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Hide inactive | Total Bans: 2
MOD/Country Date Player Admin Length
MOD Unknown Country 2020-12-03 16:54:15 adam Sir 2 d (Unbanned)
  • Player adam
  • Steam ID STEAM_1:0:20057869
  • Steam3 ID [U:1:40115738]
  • Steam Community 76561198000381466
  • Invoked on 2020-12-03 16:54:15
  • Ban length 2 d (Unbanned)
  • Unban reason Enjoy the weekend.
  • Unbanned by Admin Sir
  • Expires on 2020-12-05 16:54:15
  • Reason You ignored the warnings and pleading to get back into your game, but you refused to join back the game after leaving right away when seeing the teams. This is unacceptable behaviour, but it does work out nicely as now I can stream without worrying about better streamers taking away my possible viewers.
  • Banned by Admin Sir
  • Total Bans 2 (search)
  • Blocked (0) Never


MOD Unknown Country 2018-12-16 14:51:41 adam loudmb 2 d (Expired)
  • Player adam
  • Steam ID STEAM_1:0:20057869
  • Steam3 ID [U:1:40115738]
  • Steam Community 76561198000381466
  • Invoked on 2018-12-16 14:51:41
  • Ban length 2 d (Expired)
  • Unban reason No reason present
  • Unbanned by Admin CONSOLE
  • Expires on 2018-12-18 14:51:41
  • Reason Ragequitting
  • Banned by Admin loudmb
  • Total Bans 2 (search)
  • Blocked (0) Never

