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Hide inactive | Total Bans: 2
MOD/Country Date Player Admin Length
MOD PE 2021-01-28 15:46:29 7u7r CONSOLE Permanent (Unbanned)
  • Player 7u7r
  • Steam ID STEAM_1:0:500554036
  • Steam3 ID [U:1:1001108072]
  • Steam Community 76561198961373800
  • Invoked on 2021-01-28 15:46:29
  • Ban length Permanent (Unbanned)
  • Unban reason New method of smurf detection, not enough proof on this account.
  • Unbanned by Admin Sir
  • Expires on Not applicable
  • Reason [SourceSleuth] Duplicate account
  • Banned by Admin CONSOLE
  • Total Bans 2 (search)
  • Blocked (0) Never


MOD PE 2020-08-12 16:49:16 TSD Lil_Rs CONSOLE Permanent (Unbanned)
  • Player TSD Lil_Rs
  • Steam ID STEAM_1:0:500554036
  • Steam3 ID [U:1:1001108072]
  • Steam Community 76561198961373800
  • Invoked on 2020-08-12 16:49:16
  • Ban length Permanent (Unbanned)
  • Unban reason VAC Bans no longer instantly result into a permanent ban.
  • Unbanned by Admin Sir
  • Expires on Not applicable
  • Reason [VAC Status Checker] You were banned due to a VAC ban on your account
  • Banned by Admin CONSOLE
  • Total Bans 2 (search)
  • Blocked (0) Never

